Nowadays any excuse is used not to plan a friends dinner. People are increasingly distant from their friends because of lack of time, lack of money… and lack of organization!

Often what stop us of organize a friends dinner is not the fact of being a hard task, but how hard we think it would be! For those who are creative, low budget cease to be responsible for not planning it. So, the only question is lack of time – sure you can have some Friday or Saturday night to spend with your friends!

  • First of all, think of the preferable day to do it. Set a date, with due anticipation, in order to have no excuses and also for you to have time to prepare everything till then. If you are going to invite many people, it will be hard to get a perfect date. If necessary, set another date to ensure that at least most of the guests will be there.
    Ideally, you should contact personally every invited person. However, it’s almost impossible to do, and so you should call everyone, avoiding SMS – thus, you even can keep the conversation up to date!
  • When you notice how many people are attending, think about 2 or 3 aperitifs to serve that day. There are many simple and cheap recipes you can do, like pâtés, stuffed mushrooms, garlic bread, …
  • Now think about main dish. Do you prefer meat? Fish? Both dishes? If you’d invited many people, best options are roasted dishes, pasta or any cod dish, because they are easier to do and don’t require much skill! Furthermore, they are all delicious!
  • Don’t forget about an important point: drinks! Don’t also forget about food and wine harmonization. VINHA helps you choosing the perfect pair for any kind of food you chose to do. It’s a great help, isn’t it?
  • Last but not least, don’t forget about the desserts. Think about at least 2 desserts to have enough variety. We suggest you some simple and cheap desserts that can easily result in enough doses for your guests: milk custard, cheesecake, caramel or chocolate mousse, …

Make the best of this meetings and make them memorable!

Cheers to you!
